
Talking about odor, I realize that it will make my day so badly. I try as hard as I can to avoid it from happen to myself. But, how about it happened to others? Especially, from your new friend that for surely, you don't have a big courage to tell him/her. Hey guys, there are no exception for girls, okay.

I don't know how can she just smiling with her wet armpit and the full of disastrous smelling body. I know some people don't like to use deodorant even they have to, but there are so many option out there. Whether use traditional way like using a lime or traditional powder, or at least, get a bath as often as possible.

For guys, even it is not good that have bad odor or smelling body , but it is still okay and many people can understand it as guys always keep sweating and doing outdoor. But for the girls, it is never cool to have smelling body bcoz the guys will remember it, eternally. Believe me.
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