Kembara Fikir

1 weeks to go for my practical training. Time so fast, even i have to meditated one more semester, more than the others. But, it just a tiny different actually, i think. I hope that my decision is just right. Just right for me to be more confident, able to change myself and to make sure that i am actually ready to face the fierce of life.

For this previous 6 months, i learned a lot. I learned how be more confident, to be more respect to the others, and to appreciate people around me. Now i know that we cannot be so strictly follow the custom or the rules, when we are about the be same with the others,just accept it. We should turning back rarely, even our dimension keep pushing us forward, so that we know, life is just like a wheel. sometimes we are at the top, so high until we think we can touch the moon, but sometimes we just at the bottom, so down until we think that we afraid if we cannot bear this life anymore.

Thank you Allah, with your religion, this life is just become easier for me...
2 Responses

  1. Mocha Ghost Says:

    thank you cik faizah.hehe